Monday, October 5, 2009


The 2009 PAEA Children’s Exhibit

“Kalikasiyahan” is the fusion of words kalikasan and kasayahan. Literally the words mean nature and celebration respectively. Therefore, the word Kalikasayahan would mean celebration of nature/environment.

The 2009 PAEA Children’s Exhibit will be entitled Kalikasayahan . This year’s theme will focus on environment and its role in the education of the youth. Such role involved Environment as the subject of the lessons, Environment as inspiration and source of creating art, and The role of pressing environmental issues in the social transformation.

General Guidelines

• All forms of artwork for submission must conform to the

theme and must not be hazardous to
viewing public.

• Collaborative works are highly encouraged but materials

should be ready for wall mounting.

• All works must not exceed 5’x 5’ for flat work and

4’ x 4’ x 4’ for free standing works. All measurements

stated therein include the base and frame of the artworks.

• The use of organic materials and recycled industrial materials are highly encouraged.

• All framed works should be ready for wall mounting

(i.e. complete with strong wire or string nailed
at the back of the frame).

• Proper identification of works should include name of

school/student, age group, title of work, medium, dimension

and contact number/s. The abovementioned information

is important for curatorial purposes and demandable upon submission. Failure to submit the documents would mean non-acceptance of works.

• Installation works should be done by the artist

himself/herself during the preparation day.

• All unclaimed works after the exhibit season or end date

will be deposited at Claret School of Quezon City.

All unclaimed works are given one month for final

collection then disposed off.

• Artworks with any fragile item should be wrapped i

n bubble pack.

• All artworks should not exceed 5 kilograms in weight.

• Submission of works will start on July 15, 2009

and end on October 15, 2009 to give way to the
deliberation of the committee.

• For inquiries please visit the PAEA website


Event Details

2009 PAEA Biennial Exhibition “Kalikasayahan”
Opening Date: November 21, 2009 - 2:00 p.m.

End Date: December 21, 2009
Venue: Cultural Center of the Philippines